Our Voice Board

The Voice Board is a group of diverse young people and parents who have lived experience of childhood / young adult cancer. The aim of this group is to ensure that their views and experiences are heard and considered by decision-makers across Young Lives vs Cancer. The board regularly assist Trustees and Directors to make decisions and they are a key feature of our governance – it’s a vital part of making sure we’re meeting the needs of those we support and helping to create positive change for young cancer patients in the future.

“I joined the Voice Board to influence change and make a REAL difference to future young people and their families facing cancer. Being able to work alongside Trustees which ultimately shape the direction of the charity, I feel I am able to do exactly that! ” Lewis, Voice Board Member

The work of our Voice Board

Our Voice Board have been working hard bringing their unique insight and experiences to influence our work across the charity. Some of the work our Voice Board have been involved in so far includes;

Supporting the development of new Campaigns

Voice Board told us that the lack of government funding for cancer patients leaves charities having to plug the gaps. This why we have developed our #CancerCosts campaign and we recognise that now more than ever the cost of living can be a big concern for our families.

Developing our approach to Online Safety

We want to better understand the role that digital platforms play in young people and parents everyday experiences of cancer support, and how we can manage these risks at Young Lives vs Cancer.  Voice Board have been integral to developing the use of digital means/space at Young Lives vs Cancer.

Exploring our Organisational Values 

Voice Board have been reflecting on our current organisational values and raised the importance of considering everyone, workforce, supporters, young people and their families. Members have highlighted the commitment to involving service users at the heart of the charity’s decision-making and the collaborative approach across the sector.

Supporting the development of our North Star Vision

This is a vision for the sector which aims to transform the future of cancer care for young people and their families from before diagnosis to post treatment. Voice Board members have contributed to its development every step of the way.

Working with us to develop our Voice work across the organisation

To consider how we involve more young people and their families in our work, and support children’s voices.

Rachel Kirby-Rider, Young Lives vs Cancer Chief Executive talks about the importance of the Voice Board

Voice Board member Emma talks about her involvement


Applications for our Voice Board are now open

Apply to become a Voice Board Member