Specialist social workers

Everything changes after a cancer diagnosis. Things that used to be simple suddenly become complicated, confusing and exhausting. You have to learn a whole new vocabulary.

Our specialist social workers are experts in helping families handle the day-to-day challenges that come with a child’s cancer diagnosis. They work in all the main children’s cancer hospitals. They work closely with doctors, nurses and other NHS professionals as an integral part of the team caring for children with cancer. Young Lives vs Cancer specialist Social Workers are different to other social workers. They’re there to help because of a child’s cancer, and to make sure families get the support they need throughout treatment.

Chat to our social care team today

You can now contact Young Lives vs Cancer specialist social care staff directly using Live Chat. Just click on the pink chat button at the bottom right of this page to talk to someone.

Our dedicated team will answer any queries and offer support whether it’s about money problems, benefits, emotional support or life with cancer in general.

Live Chat is available between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday. You can still send us a message outside of these hours and we’ll get back to you when we’re live again.

Our specialist social workers can help with:

  • Helping a family come to terms with what’s happened
  • Explaining what things mean in a way that’s easy to understand
  • Helping families adjust to the new situation they find themselves in, and working out how it will affect day-to-day life
  • Support with applying for benefits, grants and other financial support
  • Talking to a child’s school and helping to arrange schoolwork during treatment
  • Helping parents sort out time off work
  • Support with arranging accommodation for families close to hospital
  • Helping organise childcare for siblings
  • Supporting brothers and sisters and other family members
  • Connecting with organisations that can give additional support.

How this can help you

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