Billy’s House Nottingham

Wollaton Park, 564 Derby Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2GY

0115 942 1517


The house is a five minute walk away from the hospital

It takes five minutes to walk from the house to the nearest shop

The longest family stay was 43 days in 2021/22

89 families stayed at Billy’s House in 2021/22

Facilities at Billy’s House

  • Six bedrooms with four en suites
  • Sitting room
  • Large kitchen diner
  • Conservatory with play area
  • Laundry and games room
  • Free parking
Billy’s House Exterior

Induction times for new families are before 2pm. Billy’s House Manager is Joanna Beaumont available to contact on 07825 147565

“Billy’s House was a really special place to be able to stay, although it’s not home it’s somewhere comfortable where you feel safe, it’s somewhere you can relax. Not travelling so far really helped with dealing with the treatment, which was amazing. I also met someone who was going through radiotherapy at the same time because of Billy’s House. We went bowling together and just had a laugh."

Chloe, diagnosed with neuroblastoma at 15 years old

How Billy’s House got its name

This home opened in 2009 and is named after Billy Greenall. After having to travel miles to get to Nottingham University Hospitals Queen’s Medical Centre to receive treatment, he decided he didn’t want others to have to do the same. He and his family tirelessly raised funds to make the Home from Home a reality and created what it is today – Billy’s house. Billy attended the home’s 10th birthday celebration with his family and friends who supported the creation of the Home from Home.

All donations big and small fund our vital work, meaning we can continue to fight for young lives against cancer

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