Topic: Friends and family

Education is a huge part of young people’s lives, and a cancer diagnosis can throw their plans completely off course. We asked two of our social workers, Tracey Biggs and Lydia Quine, how they’ve helped young people with cancer to continue their studies and minimise the impact of cancer on their education.

A child who has had cancer makes his way to school

How do Young Lives vs Cancer Social Workers support young people in education?

Education is a huge part of young people’s lives, and a cancer diagnosis can throw their plans completely off course. We asked two of our social wor...

Dylan’s story. His family had to travel to hospital up to four times a wee...

Dylan was diagnosed with leukaemia at just two years old. He went to hospital for chemo three or four times a week, and the journey take up to an hour...

Young Lives vs Cancer Campaigns Manager holding sign reading Stop young cancer patients and their families running on empty

Team Young Lives took a trip to UK Parliament – but why were we there?

Lauren Marks, Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Young Lives vs Cancer, shares what happened when we took the #RunningOnEmpty report to Parliament

Dan’s story. Hearing he had cancer just after moving in with his partner

At 23, Dan had just moved in with his partner and was working full-time as a retail manager when he got the news he had Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Kathryn’s story. Traveling 50 miles to and from hospital for treatment.

When Kathryn was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma she had to stop university and move back home to start treatment.

Someone holding another person's hand. One of the people has green painted nails.

How does Young Lives vs Cancer help young people face dying?

As part of Dying Matters Awareness Week, we asked two of our social workers how they support young people facing the end of their lives.

Will’s story. Mum and dad were told their unborn son would need care

Will spent the first year of his life at Great Ormond Street hospital. Our Home from Home Paul's House kept the family together.

Summer’s story: As soon as they said ‘leukaemia’ I switched off

Summer was diagnosed with leukaemia at just four years old and has been having treatment ever since.

Freddy’s story. Hearing ‘Freddy has cancer’ on his birthday

When Freddy was diagnosed with lymphoma his brother Stanley lived with their grandparents. Last Christmas was the first time they saw each other.