Giving In Memory
Giving a gift in memory of a loved one helps Young Lives vs Cancer support more children and young people with cancer and their families. There are many ways you can remember your loved one and celebrate their life and however you choose to support Young Lives vs Cancer, we really appreciate it.

Set up a tribute page In Their Name
Create an online hub for friends and family to share memories, photos and to donate in memory of someone you love.
Set up a tribute fund
Funeral collections
As you come together to honour a loved one's memory, collect donations that help transform the lives of young people with cancer.
Set up a funeral collection
Donate in memory
Make a donation in memory of someone special to you and help us be there for more children and young people with cancer and their families.
Make a donationThe six ways we help
For more information about the impact your donations will have on the young people we support, you can read about the six ways we help.
Gifts in Will
Every day, 12 more children and young people will hear the devastating news that they have cancer. One in eight of the children and young people we currently support are being funded through gifts in Wills.
By leaving a gift in your Will today, you can do something incredible that will have a lasting impact on hundreds of children and young people facing cancer. Pledge now to leave a gift in your Will to Young Lives vs Cancer.
Find out moreSue Bolger, Chair of the Young Lives vs Cancer Hampshire Voluntary Group, was involved in raising funds and awareness for the charity for 25 years. Her husband Peter shares why it was important to raise money in her memory,
“We knew that Sue was so passionate about supporting children and young people with cancer, she trained as a nurse, was a loving wife, mother and grandmother. We were overwhelmed by the lovely comments and generous donations in Sue’s name on her In Memory page, which we knew she wanted set up to support Young Lives vs Cancer after being involved in the charity for so many years.”
What are your most treasured memories? Share their story as part of your fundraising journey. Run, walk or cycle or take on a fundraising challenge for them and for young people facing cancer.
Bereavement Support
When a child or young person dies
We’re here if the unthinkable happens. We will get families the right support to keep going.
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Knowing when you need extra support for your grief
It's difficult to know when grief becomes depression. Here are the signs to look out for.
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Bereavement resources and organisations
Useful organisations and resources for parents and carers whose child has died of cancer.
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