Rachel’s Story
“We are used to meeting with newly diagnosed children and young people and their families on the ward, to offer a listening ear and helping hand. To suddenly have to work from home and figure out how we could still be there without physically being there was tough, but families continued to need our help, more than ever.
“The pandemic created new anxieties and fears for families, as they worried about their children who, as well as having to go through cancer treatment ,were now also vulnerable to coronavirus and had to shield.
“Many young people and families also felt isolated during this time, and restrictions meant that some parents couldn’t go into hospital with their children (16-25). I have had a number of facetime conversations with young people lonely on long hospital stays – talking about their worries and anxieties – advocating where I can for parents and carers to visit. Alongside this I have called and supported parents and carers as they wait anxiously alone in their car while their child goes in for treatment .”
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