Posted on Sunday 3 December 2023

in News

Young Lives vs Cancer chosen charity for this year’s Mirror Christmas appeal

Young Lives vs Cancer, the UK’s leading charity for children and young people with cancer (0-25), has been chosen as the Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror’s charity for this year’s Christmas fundraising appeal. Throughout December, Mirror readers will learn of the support Young Lives vs Cancer provides to children and young people with cancer and their families and be invited to donate towards their Christmas fundraising appeal. 

The appeal, which has launched today (Sunday 3 December) in the Sunday Mirror, will run until Christmas Day.

Young Lives vs Cancer supports children and young people and their families from the moment they’re told ‘it’s cancer’. The charity’s specialist social workers provide tailored support for families such as liaising with schools and employers and helping to access grants and benefits to help face the costs of cancer. They also have Homes from Home across the UK that provide families with a free comfortable place to stay near to the hospital while their child has treatment. Their financial grants also provide young people and families with the support they need to face extra costs like food, travel and clothes while on treatment. 

The Mirror and Sunday Mirror will be sharing experiences of children and young people with cancer who have been supported by Young Lives vs Cancer. The money raised during the Mirror’s Christmas appeal will enable Young Lives vs Cancer to be there for children and young people with cancer and their families, to provide them with the support they need to face cancer. 

Rachel Kirby-Rider, Chief Executive at Young Lives vs Cancer said:We are so excited to be chosen for the Mirror’s Christmas appeal this year. This is an incredible opportunity to raise awareness of the experiences of children and young people with cancer and how the support we provide can help them and their families. 

 “Every day I hear just how much this support means to families at the toughest time. There’s the grant a young person used to buy a winter coat to keep warm during treatment, the social worker who sat and spoke to a teenage girl about losing her hair, or the kitchen at our Home from Home that meant a dad could make his daughter’s favourite chicken pie and take it to the hospital ward across the road still piping hot.  

“We hope by working with the Mirror that we can raise much-needed funds so Young Lives vs Cancer can continue to be there for children and young people with cancer and their families and so that any readers who need our support can reach out and get the help they need.”

How to Donate

Post: Please make cheque/postal order payable to Young Lives vs Cancer and send to: Freepost Plus RTKS-ZCXS-HSBT, Young Lives vs Cancer (Mirror Appeal), 126 Fairlie Road, Slough, SL1 4PY.

Donate by Phone: 0300 330 0803 (lines open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, not including Bank Holidays) 

Donate online: 

Text to Donate: Text MIRRORFIVE to 70085 to donate £5, Text MIRRORTEN to 70085 to donate £10 or text MIRRORTWENTY to 70085 to donate £20 
*Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message. 


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