My child’s educational rights after diagnosis

If your child is diagnosed with cancer, they are entitled to certain educational rights under the law. It’s the responsibility of their school and their local authority (the local government that looks after the area where you live) to make sure your child’s rights are met.

My child has a right:

You may find the following acronym decoder helpful:

  • SEN: Special Educational Needs
  • ASN: Additional Support Needs
  • EHC assessment or plan: Educational Health and Care assessment or plan
  • SEND: Special Education Needs and Disability
  • LA: Local Authority
  • IAS: Information, Advice and Support
  • IHCP: Individual Healthcare Plan

Do you need more information and advice about education? Young Lives vs Cancer has partnered with Contactthe charity for families with disabled children, who can offer specialist advice on a range of issues including education and learning support.  

Your Young Lives vs Cancer Social Worker will be able to give you more information about how to access their services, or you can find out more about how to get in touch with Contact here 

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