Living your life with a terminal diagnosis
Not getting the news that you hoped for, or being told that your cancer in incurable, triggers some intense emotions. Each experience is unique, but we hope you will find advice in this section that will help you if you are living with a terminal diagnosis.
How do I talk to my parents about my terminal cancer?
How you can speak to your parents about your diagnosis.
How a terminal diagnosis can affect your relationship
When someone is seriously ill, it can change the dynamic of your relationship.
How will my siblings deal with my terminal diagnosis?
How your diagnosis might affect your brother or sister.
What’s a digital legacy and why do I need to sort it out?
Understanding your digital legacy and how you can be take a handle of what happens with it.
Five steps for taking control and making a plan when you have terminal cancer
How you can take control and understand your choices.
Writing a will as a young person with cancer
Advice and information on will writing for young people.
What will happen when I die?
Understanding what happens and your choices as you reach the end your life.
Emotions when you’re living with a terminal illness
How to better understand and handle your emotions.
Looking after your body and exercising when you have a terminal illness
How to look after yourself and your body whilst living with a terminal diagnosis.
My brother or sister has terminal cancer
What you can do to help - and how to look after yourself.