My child’s education
Helping your child go back to school after treatment
What you and the school should know before your child returns after cancer treatment.
How can my child stay in touch with school friends during treatment?
From me to you: parents share their advice on keeping in touch with school friends.
My child’s educational rights after diagnosis
What I do need to know about my child's rights when it comes to school and education?
Communicating with my child’s school
What you should know about communicating with your child's school after diagnosis.
What can I do if my child is being bullied?
Find out the steps you can take if your child is being bullied at school.
Exams while your child is having treatment
Find out about special arrangements that may be available for your child if they're taking exams during treatment.
Contacts for educational advice and support
Find out about useful organisations that offer information, advice and support around educational needs and issues.